When the OneWorld government unified the planet, they made memory the new currency.

Nobody remembers exactly where or when it happened.

Nobody’s that rich.

In Rememory, Felix finds himself on the run with nothing but a set of numbers in his head. His past has been stolen. Now it’s time he took it back.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — “Mind-blowing”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — “Unmissable”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — “What a fascinating concept”

Rememory is available as an ebook on Amazon.

Davene Le Grange was inspired by the story so much, that she composed and performed a song based on the plot. Davene created a beautiful melody, with lyrics drawn from the story, particularly the relationship between Felix and Chrissie. Frasier was so moved when he received this amazing song, that he approached Davene and asked for permission to share it. And she said yes!

Below you’ll find the song and the lyrics…

‘Remember’ by Davene Le Grange
Inspired by ‘Rememory’

Lyrics (by Davene Le Grange):

About Davene: Davene is a fantastic science fiction author, poet, and artist. Her works include Arc City Stories, The Cyber Punk, The Theatre of Nok-Mondu, and Neon Digital Darkness. Visit Davene’s website to find out more.

Frasier is so grateful to everyone who has read and reviewed Rememory. If you haven’t read it yet, why not see what others are saying about it? Both Alan K. Dell and the FanFiAddict site have featured Rememory on their blogs. Alan K. Dell’s review also includes his thoughts on Investation, the free short story you’ll get if you subscribe to Frasier’s mailing list. Or you can check out the FanFiAddict review, a site dedicated to fantasy and science-fiction.

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