You've landed on Planet Frasier.
Time to strap on your spacesuit
and explore at your leisure.
Here's a good place to start
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Frasier writes science fiction.
His stories range from grounded
sci-fi thrillers to cyberpunk-infused
space operas. They're impossible,
but so is he.
Get in touch with Frasier.
He'd love to hear from you. Say
hi. Drop him a line. Throw your
messages his way. Just please
don't throw them too hard. He's
very frail, and will probably break.

Frasier's debut novel is
New Yesterday
It's a science fiction thriller
set in a city where events in
the present can change the
Frasier Armitage is a science fiction writer, who can usually be found in his own little world. Welcome to that world. It’s so nice of you to visit.
Science fiction is universal. It transcends culture. There are no boundaries. No limits. Writers of science fiction are the architects of dreams, and gatekeepers to the future. Also, how cool are spaceships?
Frasier loves all things sci-fi, from space opera to cyberpunk, but he’s especially partial to stories which play with time. His debut novel, New Yesterday, is due to be published soon. It’s a sci-fi thriller set in a city where events in the present can change the past. Want to find out more? Check out his books and short stories here.
Frasier is a part-time robot, full-time nerd, imaginer of worlds and resident of Earth. If you want to learn his deepest, darkest secrets, view his author biography. Don’t worry. It’s brief.
To contact Frasier, send him a message. Don’t be shy. He’d love to hear from you.
Twitter: @FrasierArmitage
Latest News and Releases
Frasier’s debut novel, New Yesterday, will be released on 4/4/2023.
Frasier won the 2022 Pen To Print Audio Drama Contest. You can listen to the winning episode of audio drama — Postcards From Another World.
The website is live! Read a letter from Frasier to mark the launch of the website.